4.9.24 PopPrefs

Syntax: PopPrefs [n]
Abbreviation: POPP

pops n sets of preferences from the preferences stack (where they were placed previously by PushPrefs) and applies those preferences to the current document. See PushPrefs. If not specified, n defaults to one. Note that the preferences stack is global, not document specific. Therefore you could PushPrefs one document’s preferences, switch documents, then PopPrefs those settings altering the preferences for the second document. The maximum preferences stack depth is 32.

PushPrefs and PopPrefs are useful in macros that require certain preferences to work properly. A macro can PushPrefs, change any preferences necessary, do its work, then PopPrefs to restore the users previous preferences settings.

PopPrefs restores the following values from the preferences stack:

  AutoIndent  DelTabs   NoFileReq    StatusBar  VisualBell
  AutoPrefs   DoUndo    PreserveCR   ShiftTabs  WordWrap
  Binary      FreeForm  ReadOnly     Tabs
  CaseSearch  HexCode   RightMargin  TabSize
  ClipNumber  Insert    SearchBack   UTF8Auto