4.10.26 SetBookmark

Syntax: SetBookmark [n|+1|-1|<|>|-|?]
Abbreviation: SBM

sets a document bookmark to the current cursor position. Each document has 10 available bookmarks designated ‘0’ to ‘9’, the most recently pasted block’s start and end designated ‘<’ and ‘>’, plus the automatic bookmark designated by ‘-’. If no option is given, ‘0’ is assumed. Values of n from ‘0’ to ‘9’ set the nth bookmark, while ‘+1’ and ‘-1’ indicate respectively the next and previous available unset bookmarks. You can also set the pasted block’s start and end which will be reset on the next Paste or PasteVert command, or the ‘-’ automatic bookmark, but it will be reset automatically to the current position whenever a GotoBookmark command is issued.

The ‘?’ option will cause SetBookmark to prompt you for a bookmark designation. The promp will include an indication of which bookmarks are currently set. You may find this useful in macros, or to bind a key to ‘SetBookmark ?’.